Either use a car and park in the space saying the number, or used numbered cards and match numbers to numicon pieces. You could even match number sentences to numicon pieces
A bundle of Gingerbread man resources great for CP and focused tasks. Including a word building activity, speech and missing numbers. 10 tiny tiny gingerbread men images and house for lightpad
Numberblocks sequencing 1-10 and missing numbers 1-10
compatible with yellow door pebbles, magnetic numbers or the number blocks from learning resources/ cbeebies maagizines (also extra page of numbers added to be counters if needed)
Includes under the sea background, fish with numbers on, fish with words on to make sentences, under the sea problems, labeling under the sea animals and roll and cover the under the sea animal activity
Now also includes build the word activity and number ordering
a bundle of farm themed resources perfect for EYFS class. Including
phoneme frames, sentences, missing numbers, farm animal hunt, writing farm animal names and what the ladybird heard search